Commissioner’s Message

Dear Dealer,
  We are proud to release our newsletter for 3rd quarter 2015-16 as part of our efforts to share Commercial Tax Department’s transformational journey with you. The newsletter will provide information on the initiatives undertaken and progress made, in creating a dealer friendly environment in the department. We request your support in connecting every stakeholder and transforming governance in the Commercial Tax Department.

Mukesh Kumar Meshram
Commercial Taxes
Introduction to GST

Introduction of the Value Added Tax (VAT) at the Central and the State level has been considered to be a major step – an important breakthrough – in the sphere of indirect tax reforms in India. If the VAT is a major improvement over the pre-existing Central excise duty at the national level and the sales tax system at the State level, then the Goods and Services Tax (GST) will indeed be a further significant improvement – the next logical step – towards a comprehensive indirect tax reforms in the country.

In order to engage with the stakeholders and invite comments from the public at large, it has been decided to make available the draft Business Processes of GST. The comments/feedback on the same can be submitted through the portal, on which the discussion threads on GST are available. The links to the discussion threads soliciting comments on the draft Business Processes are posted on the Commercial Tax Department portal.